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  • Usage Fake Grass Fence in Sports Fields and Around Them

    Fake grass fences are coated on the wire fence and consist of synthetic threads. It is a grass-looking coating product. Green is generally preferred, but there are also different colors. Additionally, because grass fences cost cheaper than other, it is preferred by many people.

    Fake Grass Fences in Sports Courts

    Building a sports court is a much riskier job than thought due to the possible dangers. Especially the construction of an indoor sports court should be considered and applied in great detail. This can vary from sport to sport, but most sports pose a danger to players. For this reason, quality materials should be used and applied very carefully to reduce the danger during the construction process of the sports court. During construction, covering materials should be carefully selected and applied according to the sports.

    Indoor sports court floors are made with acrylic or rubber coating to minimize danger. In this way, the damage caused in cases of falling and hitting will be minimal. In addition, the rubber and acrylic materials used absorb the sound and reduce the disturbing noise to the minimum level.

    Fake Grass Fence in Sports Courts Preferred in America 


    The interest of American citizens in sports is known to everyone. In this case, America is also interested in indoor sports along with outdoor sports. In order not to postpone the sport due to bad weather conditions, indoor sports court activities have also become quite popularized here. In America, which is a developed place for sports activities, people even do some outdoor sports in indoor sports court because they know the comfort of an indoor sports court. In America, the following sports are mostly played in indoor sports courts.

    • Basketball

    In America, Basketball is the most common sport and is played with interest all over the continent. And do these people have to postpone a sport due to the bad weather? Of course not, because with the many indoor sports court, you will not have to postpone sports activities. You can enjoy indoor basketball every season.

    • Soccer

    Now, today, indoor soccer, which children start in secondary school, has become increasingly common. This sport, played by the whole world, is also preferred by people of all age groups. Especially in America, almost 15 million soccer players are interested in this sport, so a sports court suitable for this sport is also very demanding. Because indoor or outdoor soccer players are highly damaged while playing, we aim to minimize this ratio with the quality of fake grass fence materials we use.

    • Hockey

    When we say Hockey, Canada comes to mind first. Hockey fans, which are quite preferred here, are found all over America. Hockey is also a dangerous sport. For this reason, the areas in which this sport will be played should be done very well and prevent danger. The fact that hockey is a sport played on ice makes it more difficult to avoid danger. Indoor sports courts installations are for this purpose require much more labor.

    • Tennis

    Playing tennis is a very fun sport when the weather is good. But tennis is more preferable in indoor sports courts than outdoor ones. This is why indoor sports courts for tennis are common. Although this sport is common all over the world, it has attracted a lot of attention in America recently.

    The materials we use in the construction of indoor sports courts have started to make our work easier thanks to the technology. Our goal is to ensure that tennis is active in indoor areas and thus create a safer environment, especially for young athletes.

    • Track and Field


    Athletics can be seen as an outdoor sport because it includes activities such as running, jumping, and throwing. But this sport is not only done outdoors. Even such activities have now started to be held in indoor sports courts. A really large space is needed for this sport, and sports equipment is much more than other sports. They need to jump over bars, hurdle, and throw some things as far away as possible. But building a sports court according to athletics is no longer as difficult as it used to be. Such sports take place in most countries and all over the United States as indoor or outdoor. Our goal here is to support athletes and ensure that they participate in the Olympics, training with the least amount of damage. indoor sports courts are being built with the highest quality materials so that their training is not canceled due to weather conditions.

    Fake Grass Fences in Sport Courts in England

    Materials used in sports court installations should always be durable and useful. England, which is also one of the countries we export to, also attaches importance to these conditions. Because indoor sports court materials are made up of high-quality products, they do not wear out easily and are useful for many years to use. Especially in these structures, the ground plays an important role. Fake grass fences in England, Italy, Canada, France are produced from quality materials, just like our products. In this way, indoor sports courts become durable for all seasons and prevent possible injuries. The materials we use are also quite easy to maintain. Thanks to its sound absorption, easy cleaning, and low budget despite its durability, our products are highly preferred for an indoor sports court. Our company has a domestic buyer and also exports to many countries. We have many customers, from America to Saudi Arabia.

    What Is the Cost of the Fake Grass Fence in A Sports Court?

    The cost of building an indoor sports court may vary according to some conditions. For example, the size and number of materials to be used may change the price. However, indoor sports court fence flooring materials also differ. The costs of rubber materials and acrylic paints differ from each other, which is reflected in the total price. Sometimes different materials are used as floors. Tartan floor and polyurethane floor prices are also different. At the same time, the purpose for which the indoor sports court is built, the field size are also factors that should be taken into account when calculating the price. These are the main factors that should be determined the total price in general. Contact us for more detailed information and price calculation.

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